Nemo in snowy slumberland

It has definitely been a weird week.

That picture up above is before the worst of last night’s snow, in the early evening when, out with the dog, I was led to think, you know, maybe this historic world-crushing snowstorm isn’t going to be so bad after all.

Well, we didn’t lose power or heat, but between that photo and the time that I woke up — around 6, and let me just say, on a Saturday? — we gained maybe another foot and a half of snow. It was now fun shoveling and snow-blowing off the driveway this morning. I spent an hour and a half at it this morning, and I still only made a dent. A large-ish dent, granted, but both cars are still covered in snow. I’ll take a look at them again shortly, but I’m really hoping the afternoon sun will do some damage.

I did get to stay home from the office yesterday. We were open, and I spent the day working, but doing so from home. My boss had given us permission yesterday to leave early if we thought the weather and commute were going to be really bad. The Long Island Railroad was already talking about shutting itself down before the early evening. I took my laptop home with me just in case. And then when I woke up on Friday, it was already snowing and I made a judgment call. It was a call to my boss to see if my judgment was something I could follow up on. But I was genuinely worried about getting stuck in Manhattan, especially with a hungry dog at home waiting all by himself.

So I worked from home, and for most of the day actually felt a little silly about it. The snow turned to rain for most of the afternoon, and while nasty and wet, it wasn’t exactly snowmaggedon. Even by around 9 o’clock that evening, I was thinking, is that it? I made myself some scrambled eggs for dinner and settled into the mistake that was watching the 2012 version of Total Recall. You can read all my tweets about the movie here, which is probably more informative than trying to go through it all again, and certainly more entertaining than the movie itself. (Even if you don’t find my tweets entertaining at all, trust me, the movie is lousy.)

Today I’m really just hanging out, since I’m still kind of snow-bound. (Also tired. Did I mention I’ve been up since 6 am?) No idea what I’ll do today, though I promised myself I’d write for at least half an hour. Aside from morning pages, I’ve fallen out of the habit this week. It’s been a weird one, have I mentioned?

Maybe next week I’ll actually go into the office more than one day. That’d be weird.

2 thoughts on “Nemo in snowy slumberland

  1. Probably just as well that you stayed home – I bet if you’d gone in after all, the snow would have started much sooner and the commute would have been way worse. Some kind of Murphy’s Law of cold-weather commuting, I think. On the other hand, you would have successfully avoided the ’12 remake of Total Recall.

    It’s like those Reddit questions: would you rather be attached by 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?

    (the movie being the horse-sized duck, I guess. Or maybe a really angry Canada goose.)

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