How Presidential

It was Presidents’ Day here, so I spent the day mostly reading, mostly comics.

I’ve also recently been going through some old photographs — mostly so I can do pointless things like this — and trying not to wallow in nostalgia. I discovered, with some surprise, that my old boss at Penn State recently retired. Aside from an exchange of Christmas cards that first year after I moved back to New York, we haven’t kept in touch, nor have I been back to University Park in all that time. (I don’t regret the move, even if I’m still not convinced New York is my preferred long-term solution, but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t some things I missed about Pennsylvania.

Anyway, I’m not really wallowing in nostalgia, just feeling twinges of it. And it really is pure nostalgia: a fond longing for what was, but not a desire to return there now.

Though somehow, I did seem to wear a lot more hats there than here. And you know what they say about hats.