
It snowed today, though not so much that you’d really notice. Most, if not all of it was gone by the middle of the day. Last winter, that kind of snow wouldn’t have even been worth mentioning.

This evening, I watched a pair of movies, more or less back to back. First, I watched the distinctly weird The Nines. The AV Club called it “winningly loopy” and a “cinematic mindfuck,” which seems fairly accurate. (Although, fair warning: the less you know going in, maybe, the better.)

After that, I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which I thought was surprisingly quite good, especially in the second half, although it’s definitely not the feel-good movie of the year. Andy Serkis probably did deserve some kind of special recognition at this year’s Oscars.

That, plus some Kaleidotrope slush (and disappointing episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Supernatural), was pretty much my Saturday.