

I stayed up a little late on Sunday night watching Snowpiercer. While it isn’t perfect, it’s audacious and fun and definitely one of the more unique action movies I’ve seen in a while.

I went to bed early last night, however, and then slept later than planned this morning. But I still woke up feeling tired. So I call shenanigans. What gives, sleep patterns?

The day itself was pretty uneventful, and I’m not even sure it demanded being at anything close to peak efficiency. I had a phone call with an editor, about a new textbook I’m going to start working on, then in the afternoon I talked with my boss about that and the other projects I’ve got on my plate. In between, I prepped some of the instructor resources that will go online as part of another book’s companion website. The exciting, thrill-a-minute world of academic publishing.

It wasn’t a bad day, though, not at all. But I’m still calling shenanigans on those sleep patterns.