Christmas various

Happy holidays!

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”

Happy holidays to you and yours!

We’re celebrating Christmas here tomorrow with some family, including my sister and her husband who are driving to NY tomorrow morning. (They both had to work today, and they’re celebrating Christmas Eve with his mother and sister in Maryland.) All my presents are wrapped, though not yet under the tree. Now I’m just waiting on those visions of sugar-plums and their famous dance moves.

I have to say, I wasn’t exactly feeling the Christmas spirit until this week. Then my vacation started, and we hung the lights outside, and we had a pretty heavy snowfall — maybe 14 inches — and I started thinking, y’know, not all Christmas songs are terrible, especially when it’s actually Christmas. And then I put up the tree yesterday — with my sister not yet home, it was pretty much left to me alone — and we started getting ready for tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it.

So again, happy holidays to you and all the best in this season!

Monday various

  • Maybe I’m just still bitter that my family stood on line for several hours to see this when it was new — and missed out on Journey into Imagination (at the time a personal favorite and which is what we originally thought we were standing on line for) — but come on, the return of Captain Eo? Really?
  • I’m always dubious about lists of new slang words. They inevitably seem like they’re just a joke on whoever is compiling them — “can you believe what I got that reporter from the Guardian to believe?” — or like somebody’s just gotten corrugated ankles, gone to goat heaven, and started making things up. [via]
  • Graham Greene once entered a contest to parody himself. He came in second. [via]
  • Sketchy Santas. Parents, do you really want your kids sitting on these men’s laps? [via]
  • And finally, speaking of which, Jack Bauer’s making a list and checking it twice…