
If you thought Tuesday’s story about not attending a meeting was exciting, hold on to your hat! Because today, I was scheduled to have a doctor’s appointment…and then I didn’t!

They called me on my way into my office, for what I thought was going to be a half day at work, to tell me that they had to reschedule. Apparently my doctor was sick.

So I went into work and did the full day, and I’ll try this all again in a couple of weeks. (When hopefully I won’t have anything more interesting to report than “I had my doctor’s appointment today. Um, no terrible diseases.”)

Beyond that, it was a pretty average Thursday.


Sometimes a Wednesday is just a Wednesday.

Although this evening, I heard what I think was the first ice cream truck of the season. So, presumably, we’re moving right into summer soon. (We didn’t have much of a winter, so why should we have much of a spring.)

Thirty-five and still alive

I got to the office early for a meeting I didn’t wind up attending.

I don’t want to claim that this was the closest today got to exciting. But unless you count research into critical thinking courses — of which there are many, across disciplines — or the textbooks designed for those courses, you may just have to settle for the big non-meeting. (Well, the meeting still happened. I just wound up having other work to do and not going.)

And that is all.