If it’s not one thing, it’s another

I honestly don’t know how many more big announcements and changes I can take at work. More (very) unexpected news today, although it did give me the opportunity to share my own news from yesterday with the rest of the group. I mean, I wasn’t told specifically not to, and people will find out soon enough. My new boss, with whom I spoke briefly this afternoon, seems eager to make my transition as quick as possible and move me to a new desk. (I think everyone else would notice if I was suddenly sitting on the opposite side of the office and realize something was up.)

This promises to be the last of the really big shake-ups, though it will probably make things even more complicated in the short term.

I find myself saying that a lot to people — that, in the short term, this will be mass confusion and uncertainty, but in the long term good for me. (And hopefully I’ll continue to work with, if not for, the group I’m with now. If only because I do have some background with these books.)