Song of the day

“Daydream Believer” by the Monkees

You’ll probably see this a lot on the web today, what with the sudden and unexpected death of former Monkee Davy Jones. Rest in peace, Davy.

I took a history of American popular music class back in college — essentially a history of rock and roll — and our text was this book from Rolling Stone. As our professor pointed out, the Monkees didn’t even earn themselves a footnote in the book. I don’t remember what Dr. Kelly thought of that exactly, but I think it’s a shame. They were a manufactured band, no doubt, but they still produced some pretty terrific pop music.

One thought on “Song of the day

  1. A manufactured band to be sure, but a couple of real musicians snuck in. They did have some great songs. Davy was my first musical crush – very sad to lose him.

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