August melodies

A rather short mix this month, for whatever reason. The week-long blackout at the end of it, along with planning for my trip to Canada, might have had something to do with that. I haven’t even really had a chance to survey last month’s music until now. But here, at long last — I know you’ve been waiting — are the songs I was listening to in August:

  1. “To Love Somebody” by Nina Simone
  2. “Black Boys on Mopeds” by Sinéad O’Connor
  3. “We Belong” by Emily Curtis
  4. “Gimme Sympathy” by Metric
  5. “Sophia” by Laura Marling
  6. “Paper Forest (In the Afterglow of Rapture)” by Emmy the Great
  7. “Bein’ Green” by Andrew Bird
  8. “You’re Too Weird” by Fruit Bats