Tuesday’s child

This morning it seemed like the Long Island Railroad hadn’t quite recovered from yesterday’s weather-related madness, with a super-crowded train all the way to Jamaica and some confusing announcements once we got there. But after that, everything seemed to run as smoothly as it ever does, and I got to work around the usual time.

Which is good, because today’s sales meetings were a lot more specific and targeted to our individual books. And I worked extensively on at least two of the books we were presenting to the reps, so I was glad to be there to add my little bit of input.

And we got another free lunch out of it, so there’s that.

Then in the afternoon, we had a fire drill. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to working again in a building where “fire drill” doesn’t translate into “testing the alarms 24/7.” Then again, as a co-worker remarked, he’d willingly trade that now for the constant drilling that’s going on around us all day. (Until the end of August, we were told. At times it’s really tough to concentrate.)

And then? A quick birthday celebration for another co-worker, with a card and some cookies.

And that’s really it for Tuesday. A decent enough day, as far as those things go.