I’ve got a mullycrush on you

I’m almost disappointed that today went by so uneventfully, because I was kind of looking for an excuse to use today’s bit of “forgotten English” — mullycrushed, meaning “ruined beyond repair.”

But, alas, it was a pretty uneventful day, with no mullycrushing to be seen. We had a going-away party for one of our co-workers, a guy who sits in the cubicle directly next to mine but whom I never really speak to, except maybe to nod in passing. He’s always seemed nice enough, but we don’t really work together, just for connected groups. He’s going off to journalism school, so we had a small get-together with donuts and fruit and conversation that for some reason strayed to a recount of top YouTube videos and recent scandals involving the Duchess of York. At least, that’s what the older editors in attendance seemed to want to talk about. But hey, free food.

Other than that, just a typical Monday. Which, as luck would have it, is actually a Tuesday, due to some weird quirk in the space-time continuum called a “day off.” I’m a big fan of the four-day week.

One thought on “I’ve got a mullycrush on you

  1. Jschool…he’s an optimistic fellow! Lucky him, though – I bet it’ll be a lot of fun.

    Mullycrushed is a good way to describe most Tuesdays, I think.

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