Gales fully spanged

Time to spang my gales and write a quick recap of what did today on my day off. Except I spent the day doing mostly the same sort of thing I did all weekend, which is really nothing much. I watched last night’s Lost series finale first thing on my iPad. (I tried watching it on my laptop, but I wound up with a virus I had to clean up, and ABC’s player app is actually really good.) I don’t really have a lot more to say about it than the very little I said about it here. Except for the AV Club’s write-up, I’ve been pretty much avoiding reviews of the episode, preferring instead just to have enjoyed it. At some point, I think I’ll revisit the commentary, just as I plan at some point to revisit the series in its entirety, but for now, I’m just amazed the show is actually over. I don’t think I’m going to go into crazy withdrawal (thanks Betty), but I will miss the show. It really was like nothing else on television. (And the few shows, like FlashForward, that have tried to be like it have mostly only adopted the superficial elements. It was never about the mystery, but about the characters those mysteries happened to.)

Okay, maybe I had a little more to say about it. But, for now anyway, that’s it.

Other than that, I spent the day mostly just lounging about, reading some, trying to get caught up on Kaleidotrope slush submissions. I think I only have a couple of stories still hanging around since February, but those couple really do need to get read right away. I try to keep my response time down to a month or two if at all possible.

It’s back to work tomorrow, for a grueling four-day week.