I wonder where dem boidies iz

Today was the first day that really felt like the approach of spring to me, not least of all because it was still light out when I got home from work this evening. I still didn’t sleep terrifically well last night, but at least I got in enough hours to function properly. And I managed to finish my edits on that final counseling chapter and send them back to the author. With luck, we’ll have a final manuscript ready to go into production before the week is through. After which, my involvement with the book will essentially be over and I’ll move on to the other half dozen projects that are awaiting my attention.

I also finished reading Ann Patchett’s The Patron Saint of Liars, which I liked quite a lot, although not as much as her later novel Bel Canto, which remains one of my favorite books of recent years. (Well, of my recent years. I read it in 2006.) I’m not yet sure what I’m going to read next, though I have plenty of unread books to choose from. I’ve actually caved twice this month, including today, and bought some new books. I think it’s safe to say that my no-new-books-for-2010 resolution, which was pretty silly to begin with, is now officially a failure. It’s maybe just as well.

First I bought Joe Hill’s Horns and Dan Simmons’ two most recent books, and today I bought a few graphic novels, including Angel: After the Fall. (I’m still not really sure how I feel about them continuing the series, which I thought ended on a really great note, but I’ve been re-watching it recently and figured, why not? I think they’ve done a really good job so far with Buffy‘s “Season 8.”)

Anyway, that’s about it for today.

One thought on “I wonder where dem boidies iz

  1. Let us know how the Angel thing is. I’ve been vaguely meaning to pick it up sometime, but I feel exactly the same sort of mild conflict between “Buffy Season 8 is really good, so this might be worthwhile and interesting” and “But I like that it ended there!”

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