Happy thoughts (2)

So I may not have picked the very best week for this happiness meme. If you follow me on Twitter (or Facebook, where my Twitter feed, um, feeds), you know that my mother is in the hospital right now, having been admitted finally late last night for gallstones. She’s scheduled for surgery sometime this afternoon, to have her gallbladder removed. It’s a pretty routine procedure, especially if they can operate laparoscopically, but I’m nonetheless worried for her. I spent most of yesterday out of the loop, my father calling from the hospital with updates when he could, after work just hanging out until he got home a little before midnight. I’m at work now, but I’m keeping in touch. Hopefully, they’ll be able to perform the surgery without complication and release her this evening or tomorrow morning.

So, things that made me happy yesterday… It was a long and stressful day — work, my mother, crazy young woman on the train home, sort of electrocuting myself a little when I unplugged my laptop last night — but I don’t know that I’d call it a bad day, or a day without happy moments. I was comforted by the kind words from friends via Twitter and e-mail. I watched — quite unexpectedly; it came on HBO just as I was sitting down by myself to dinner — In Bruges, and quite liked it. (Tasha Robinson says of the movie: “If Guy Ritchie sat down, took a couple of deep, cleansing breaths, and put as much thought as energy and style into his films, they’d look almost exactly like this.”) And I thoroughly enjoyed this week’s episode of How I Met Your Mother. (“We are the Knights Who Say…You’re fired!”)

So, maybe not a great day — but then, I’m not the one who spent all of it at the hospital, or who needs surgery. I’m hoping today will be better for all of us.

3 thoughts on “Happy thoughts (2)

  1. I’m glad your mom’s surgery went okay, and that she’s doing well. What a terrible fright that must have been. I was all in a tizzy when mom had to get her thyroid biopsied, and that was just a half hour appointment.

    Please tell her the Calgary contingent were sending good vibes (and still are, although Professor Rosencatz is not quite sure what a vibe is, and he thinks he might have accidentally et it). Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  2. Thanks, that really means a lot. I breathed a little sigh of relief when we learned it was her gallbladder — nowadays a fairly routine removal — but even more so after the successful surgery. I spoke with her last night and she sounded good, if understandably tired. Hopefully, they’ll be able to release her later today and she’ll have a quick recovery.

  3. Hey, sorry to hear about your mom but glad everything went ok. My dad had the same thing last year – very scary for me since I live so far away. But he’s 74 and sailed through, if that’s any consolation. I don’t like this role reversal – parents are supposed to worry about the kids, not the other way ’round! 😉

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