3 thoughts on “I am so bad ass

  1. Tests like these are the reason we have the Internet.

    “To hell with morality, I’d be too busy pile-driving, crane-kicking, and bare-knuckle bashing them all the way back to kintergarten”

    This is just how you have to fight five year olds. They can smell fear.

    * I couldn’t actually get my score after the quiz. The results page was just “http://justsayhi.com”. Maybe a funky redirect or bug?

  2. The same thing happened to me when I tried to take it. So, in the absense of further confirmation, I’ll just have to assume I’m infinitely powerful against 5-year-olds.

  3. It looks like a problem on their end. Maybe they got more traffic then they could handle or something. Or were attacked by angry 5-year-olds.

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