Independence Daze

Red, White, and Blue

It was a rainy 4th of July — or at least it was until this evening, when the skies cleared and the over-abundance of fireworks came out. Not that the locals need a particular reason to set off fireworks, of course. It’s hard to judge exactly where they’re exploding from — at a guess, I’d say one block over, across the tracks — but they’re just about a nightly occurrence. Tonight, they might have been a little brighter and louder than usual, a little less timed to goals at the World Cup or wherever, but it’s a little same-old, same-old, if you ask me. (Of course, if you ask the dog, it’s the end of the world, and no, he’s sorry, but there isn’t room for you too under the kitchen table.)

I spent the day inside, thanks to the rain, mostly just happy to have the day off from work. I watched a little television but mostly read, finishing The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North, which I really liked.

Then this evening, I re-watched The Godfather, which I haven’t seen since the first time I saw it, many years ago now. It really is a terrific movie, and it looks stunning in Blu-ray. But it’s also something like three hours long, so that kind of took up the rest of my evening.

All in all, it wasn’t an eventful day, but it was a pleasant one.

One thought on “Independence Daze

  1. Poor pup. Fireworks are so stressful for them.

    Also, ‘across the tracks’. So, are you on the right or the wrong side of the tracks?

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