Thursdaying along

Another busy day at work, although I at least seem to be making some small headway into the half dozen different projects I’ve got juggling now. Of course, I’d much rather be writing, all things being equal.

To say nothing of the many, many stories for Kaleidotrope that, it occurred to me this morning, I still need to edit and squeeze into some kind of layout. The last (print) issue might have to be “Fall 2011” instead of October, depending.

I weirdly feel like I’ve been ignoring the zine, despite having just put out an issue in July. That issue, though, was a little different than the norm, being just the single novella and and a long-form poem rather than the usual assortment. There’s never been a flood of reviews for the zine — though some nice write-ups on occasion by people like Gavin Grant or Rich Horton — but SFRevu has some kind things to say, if you’re curious.