And then it was Sunday

More of the same today, the main difference being that it was hot enough to convince me to turn my air conditioner on for the first time this season. It’s supposed to cool off a little as the week progresses, but I think we’re well into late spring/early summer here.

Meanwhile, still thoroughly enjoying the iPad, though I did buy a new case after doing a little research online. The case that Apple sold me is fairly functional, but only just, and it’s not all that great for what it cost. And, while I had the option of filling out today’s New York Times crossword via an app, I decided to go the traditional pen and paper route. (I very nearly finished, too.)

Beyond that, I finished another chapter in the art therapy textbook, leaving me with still several more to finish hopefully this week. And I finally got caught up on Stargate: Universe. I still think it’s trying a little too hard to be Stargate: Galactica, but I am starting to like it a lot more as the characters come into sharper focus. And I have to give them credit for bridging the gap between darker, realistic science fiction and the fun, but more action adventure-oriented Stargate shows that have come before it.

Now I think it’s time to recharge the iPad and go to sleep.

Not Sunday…yet

It feels a lot like Sunday, but I’m happy knowing that it isn’t. iPad or no iPad, I definitely made the right decision taking yesterday off from work.

Today was more of the same, really, spent playing with the iPad and figuring out what I can and can’t do with it. Google Reader, for one, seems a little problematic, at least in either of the main options Google itself seems to be offering. I’ve gotten it to work, but neither option is without its display problems. I’m also not so thrilled with the case Apple sold me, which fits the device, if only barely, but is thin enough so as not to provide much in the way of protection, and moreover which has to come off if I actually want to recharge the device. It’s an okay temporary solution, should I want to tote the device somewhere further than my own backyard, but I don’t think it was worth the forty bucks Apple charged me for it.

Still thoroughly in the honeymoon phase with the iPad itself, though. Sitting out in the backyard, reading Kaleidotrope submissions and listening to music (while Twittering about it), was a really nice way to end my afternoon.

After that, I watched tonight’s episode of Doctor Who, the second half of last week’s Weeping Angels/River Song mashup, and it was actually pretty phenomenal, easily my favorite episode since the premiere. I really do like how Matt Smith’s Doctor is madder and more antic than his immediate predecessors, but also a little more pompous, a little more…well, unlikable. Anyone still not sure why Smith was cast over all the other choices obviously hasn’t been paying attention.

Anyway, that was my Saturday, more or less.