Tuesday various

  • I have mixed feelings about this new Farscape comic, but I will almost certainly pick up a copy when it comes out later in the month.
  • Bryan Fuller might save Heroes, but it comes at too high a cost. I’d rather have Pushing Daisies at its worst than Heroes at its best, any day of the week.
  • Did you know there was a color of the year? Apparently “no other color expresses hope and reassurance more than yellow.” I have to say, I’m not seeing it. [via]
  • Did you know you could be fired from the Salvation Army for marrying outside the organization? The charity’s official policy says:

    Originally Salvation Army officers (full-time ordained ministers) were required to marry other officers if they wished to remain in the ministry. But this is now changing, and it will be more possible in the future to find an officer who is married to a non-officer. However, Salvation Army officers still usually marry other officers by choice. This creates a special partnership in ministry, and in local centres in particular this joint ministry can make the work more effective.

    So maybe someone at the Oshkosh branch didn’t get the new memo?

  • “Archeologists in China are baffled after finding a tiny Swiss watch in a 400-year-old tomb” (link). This can mean only one thing: tiny time travelers!