Winter vacation, day 13

I helped my father put skid shoes on the snowplow today, worked a little on getting the next issue of Kaleidotrope up to snuff, and watched a few more episodes of Babylon 5. (The first season’s less rough around the edges than I remembered it, and because it was written as a five-year story, the show almost demands to be watched in blocks.)

Then this evening, I watched Jonah Hex, which is where it all started to go south. Dear lord that is a terrible movie. There are hints of a good one lurking inside it, or at least a movie that could have been dumb fun, but the editing is so badly botched that it ends up being just a confused mess of boredom. It plays a lot like the dull sequel to the movie they left on the cutting room floor, and I think it may have broken my soul a little. (And I say this as a man who’s demonstrated questionable taste in movies lately.)

So that was…what was today? Saturday, right? This is the last weekend of my vacation, but there’s still five more days before I have to go back to the office.