Sunday, again

No writing group again this week, as we’re taking a short hiatus.

So instead, I put a new issue of Kaleidotrope online. The new issue has stories of alien encounters, warring tribes, strange events and stranger journeys, and, of course, the future. Plus poems and silly horoscopes. I’m pleased with how it came out, though I’d appreciate any feedback, there or here. (I don’t get a lot of feedback on the zine, actually.)

I wish I could say it’s been a busy week otherwise, but I’ve mostly just been working.

Last night I watched Prince of Darkness. It’s a deeply odd and silly movie on some levels, but also really creepy and smart about what’s frightening. It’s far from John Carpenter’s best — I’d say that’s easily Halloween followed by The Thing — but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

I was not surprised by how much I enjoyed the finale of Breaking Bad this evening, though. There’s been a lot of hype, particularly if you’re on Twitter, calling it “the best show ever,” and some of that is probably overblown. But I liked it a lot, and I thought tonight’s episode was as strong as the show has ever been.

I mean, it’s no Sleepy Hollow, of course, but then what is?