Sunday, such as it was

Mostly just a quiet Sunday at home with the New York Times crossword.

I joined my friend Maurice for our weekly writing group, where we spent a lot more time talking about writing (and grammar and style guides) than actually writing, but it’s all good. I’ve got an interesting story percolating lately, and I’m hoping I can keep the momentum going on it.

I had to get off the parkway on my way home, thanks to some serious traffic and an empty gas tank, and it actually took some maneuvering to find a gas station that hadn’t been knocked out completely by the massive thunderstorm an hour earlier. But then I did, and managed to get about twenty bucks worth of gas in the tank, and then get on the expressway and bypass most of that traffic. At least until I got closer to home, where police were directing traffic and blocking turn lanes…and all of this sounds potentially a lot more interesting than it actually was. It was capped by me going to the supermarket and buying some fruit.

Heady stuff, busy day, indeed!

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