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One week from now, I will be in Banff. I fly to Calgary on Friday, arriving there sometime in the evening. Beyond my hotels and buses, looking forward to hanging out with Heather and writing, I have no set-in-stone plans for my time there. No specific projects that I’ll be working on. I’m really just looking to recharge my batteries, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and getting more into the habit of thinking about writing, more in the habit of spending time doing it. I’m really looking forward trip. I am a little nervous, in part because Alberta seems to have turned into the ice planet Hoth overnight recently, but also just because it’s travel for two weeks-plus, and I need to pack.

I have been writing, though, in the meantime, not just expecting these two weeks to magically transform me into Person Who Writes. I’ve been poking away at a silly, but fun, short story, and I wrote this today in my writing group:


3 thoughts on “Sunday

  1. I guess a tauntaun and a light sabre aren’t really allowed on international flights any more are they? Disappointing. 😉

    The silly and fun short story is kinda great. Do you think you’ll flesh it all the way out?

  2. Sometimes those unstructured/unplanned residencies can be the best kind…and you come away with the most interesting results. Me, I’m trying to figure out if my Keurig can fit in my suitcase. I think it can. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

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