Everybody’s home again

I shouldn’t be exhausted, right? I mean, I’m not the one fighting a six-hour jet-lag, not the one who started the morning in Venice and ended it, a nine-hour flight later, in New York. That would be my parents, home from two weeks on a tour of Italy. Me, I just spent the day cleaning the house, vacuuming, doing laundry, and then driving to the airport to pick them up. But I nodded off a little after dinner nonetheless.

Anyway, it’s good to have them home. I got to see lots of lovely photos — Capri, in particular, looks gorgeous – – and hear about the tour group. I think they had a really good time.

The dog, of course, was disappointed they only managed to bring back a single squeaky toy. For this he put up with two weeks of upset in his regular routine? Well all right, but he’s only going to play with the toy under protest.

And that was Sunday. Well, that and the crossword puzzle, but that’s pretty much a given.