How very Thursday

I think the dog has had quite enough of this, just we two bachelors hanging around the house. He’s especially antsy at night, occasionally jumping at noises — which, you know, makes me jump at noises — and looking at me almost accusingly, as if to say, “What did you do with them? They’d never have taken me to vet of all places.”

I had a doctor’s appointment myself today, for a follow-up chest x-ray I’d scheduled a week ago. My pneumonia hadn’t gone away completely at my last x-ray a month or so ago, so this was meant to be a formality for the all-clear. (Then again, the original x-ray was supposed to have been a formality.) And I got the all-clear, which is good…although I’m still feeling sick. Sore throat, cough, fever, chills, tired — all that fun stuff. I do feel better this evening than I did earlier today, so hopefully I’m on the mend.

Maybe I can salvage at least a decent long weekend out of these days off.

The dog, on the other hand, just wants his other people back.